Frequently Asked Questions

The Certainty Income Fund is an Australian Registered Managed Investment Fund.

Our objective is to provide investors with a Target Return of the RBA cash rate plus 0.5 – 1.5%. Investors will receive their income monthly, and choose whether they want to access their funds in 7 days, 90 days or 12 months.*

*The Responsible Entity intends to satisfy withdrawal requests within the advertised timeframe, however, under the Fund’s Constitution, the Responsible Entity has up to 12 months to satisfy withdrawal requests.

The minimum investment amount for all funds is $10,000.

There are no entry or exit fees.*

*Early withdrawals can be made at REs discretion, which will incur a 1% fee

All other fees are disclosed in the Fund’s Product Disclosure Statement.

CIF was established in 2023, and has a dedicated management team with over 100 years experience in managed funds and lending experience.

CW RM Ltd is also the Responsible Entity for the Certain Property Australia Fund (ARSN: 640 809 365) which was established in 2021.

If you wish to withdraw from a Fund in whole or in part before, or at the end of the Investment Term, then you must lodge a Withdrawal Request within the notice periods set out below:

7 Day Units – seven days’ notice

90 Day Units – 90 days’ notice

12 Month Units – 30 days prior to the term end

In relation to the 12 Month Unit only, you do not have the right to withdraw your investment in this unit class until the Investment Term has expired.

You invest in the Fund for the amount and duration you are comfortable with (7 days, 90 days or 12 months). Depending on the term you invest for, you will receive a targeted distribution rate of the Cash Rate + 0.5-1.5% per annum payable monthly. 

Your distribution will start accruing once we have accepted your completed application form and your funds have been received in our custodian’s bank account.

Distributions are paid within 7 days of the end of each month directly into your nominated bank account.

There is no set time period for depositing your funds once the application is completed but the distribution will not start accruing until such time as the funds are deposited.

Your funds are held in trust by our custodian Perpetual Corporate Trust Limited who is authorised by ASIC to act in such capacity.

The Funds use the capital contributed by investors to provide loans to borrowers and we take a registered mortgage over real property to secure those loans.

The Funds lend to borrowers at various interest rates, between the Cash Rate + 0.5-1.5% per annum for 1st mortgage loans, which enables us to pay monthly distributions to investors and fund the operational costs of the Fund.

Your investment in the Fund is effectively spread across that Fund’s portfolio of loans – it is not linked to a specific borrower, loan or security.

An investment in the Fund is subject to general investment risks, specific risks of investing in a managed fund, as well as all the risks of investing in a portfolio of 1st ranking mortgages over real property.

What are the returns?
7 day term = Cash Rate + 0.5%
90 day term = Cash Rate + 1.0%
12 month term = Cash Rate + 1.5%

Some key risks of an investment in the Fund include, but are not limited to:

  • Borrower default
  • Reduction in mortgaged property values
  • Low liquidity of the Fund
  • Project construction delivery, increasing costs, supply chain issues, and completion risk for the underlying Loans and repayment to the Fund’s Investors
  • Inaccurate valuations
  • Unforeseeable economic factors
  • Interest rate risk
  • Investment Manager Risk
  • Regulatory and Economic Risk
  • Cyber Security Risk
  • Investment Strategy Risk
  • COVID-19
  • Limited Track Record Risk
  • Litigation Risk
  • Taxation Risk
  • General Risks

You should read the Product Disclosure Statement and the Target Market Determination in their entirety, before deciding to invest in the Fund.

  1. Review the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) & Target Market Determinations (TMD) and other available information on this website including the Frequently Asked Questions, to determine if an investment with CIF is right for you.
  2. If you would like further information before investing with us, please call us on 1300 854 655 to speak to one of our team.
  3. Download and complete the New Investor Application Form and either scan and email it to [email protected] or post it to Suite 103, 2 Miami Key Broadbeach Qld 4218
  4. Once your application is accepted, you will receive a welcome letter confirming your investment and the details of the bank account into which you can deposit your investment. This account is held by our Independent Custodian.
  • Investors can initially invest a minimum of $10,000
  • Generally short to medium term investment periods – 7 days, 90 days or 12 months
  • Investors gain access to a diversified investment pool across a number of loans (selected by the Investment Manager), borrowers and geographic locations
  • All loans will be professionally managed by the Investment Manager
  • Investors will receive monthly distributions, to their nominated account.
  • Our team have 100 years of worth of experience between them

There is no maximum investment limit on 7 day, 90 day or 12 month investment terms.

  • Investors can initially invest a minimum of $10,000
  • Generally short to medium term investment periods – 7 days, 90 days or 12 months
  • Investors gain access to a diversified investment pool across a number of loans (selected by the Investment Manager), borrowers and geographic locations
  • All loans will be professionally managed by the Investment Manager
  • Investors will receive monthly distributions, to their nominated account.
  • Our team have 100 years of worth of experience between them

The Fund is a pooled Australian managed investment scheme primarily invested in medium to long term mortgages and mortgage secured investments over Australian real property.

Of course, we would love to meet you in person.

Our office is located at Suite 3, 103 Miami Key, Broadbeach Qld 4218

The CIF ARSN is 669 751 204